Here are some pictures of the new and improved Jefferson. I'm quite pleased with him. Hope I feel the same way tomorrow (you never know). He is holding an American flag and a copy of the Declaration of Independence in his hand (which you can see). He is standing on an architectural drawing of the rotunda (library) at the University of Virginia (which he founded and supervised the building of). At his feet is a stack of books I made based on books from his library.
More later,
What a fantastic job, he looks so life-like!
Was his hair really that red, most of the time you saw them in powdered wigs and one assumes that was their coloring.The detail is wonderful.
By all reports and according to several portraits of Jefferson, he was a red-head. I used a variety of mohairs and yarns in different shades of red and reddish brown to get as close to the real color as possible. Of course, it may be a bit off -- but as long as it looks like Jefferson ...
He is absolutely amazing! I can't believe how detailed he is. Fantastic job!
You are TOO amazing!He is so wonderful that I believe you should price him at $15,000.00 or more!
Christine ~ Zwee!!!!!!!
He looks amazing ,so lifelike, you are incredibly talented my dear!
Thanks, ladies. I'm pretty pleased with him. Just adding a few finishing touches now, like a patriotic ribbon sash, brass buttons and embroidered button holes.
Amazing work! Wow, what great detail. I'll be vivsiting often.
I'm so glad you stopped by my blog. I would LOVE to add you to my list of favorite places to visit.
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