Feb 20, 2008

Thanks for the award, Mica!

Mica of Garb-oodles gave me an award! Thanks, Mica! I love your stuff, too! The past week, I've been "restyling" my Lizzy Bennet and Mr. Darcy dolls, trying to make them even more realistic. I resculpted their faces and changed their "paddle" hands to real sculpted hands with articulated fingers. Then, I redressed Mr. Darcy in a regency suit with breeches from the same pattern as Hamilton's, a white silk waistcoat and a Regency waistcoat in the same black embroidered silky fabric as Hamilton's. Finally, I made him a top hat! What a challenge that was! After several failed attempts, I finally achieved something that looked right by wrapping cardstock with masking tape, then covering it with fabric.

Lizzy Bennet got a similar make-over. Her vintage-fabric dress was starting to tear in places, so I covered it with chiffon and added an overdress in purple silk velvet. But wouldn't you know, just as I had her about the way I wanted her, the armature wire broke off at the shoulder! Fixing it will mean taking off the sleeve and running a new wire into her body. Maybe it's her way of telling me she didn't like the new sleeves -- and wants purple velvet ones so her over dress is a full pelisse.

I've also been putting finishing touches on Bodiccia and her chariot. I'm going to have to nag hubby to get photos taken or my effort will be in vain! I believe the contest deadline is today or tomorrow!

And here I am, with laptop on the bed, suffering from some sort of stomach virus and afraid to have coffee or eat anything for fear of a repeat of last night's violent episode of barfing! Eghads!!


Anonymous said...

you may also pass this award on to those you would like.. I really felt it was calling your name.. your work is well... I cannot find the right words.. but they look to be done from a Master Artist... the detail of the faces and the costumes are just breathtaking.. stunning !!! and if you were in the Art Emmies you would be one to win !!! Have a great week !! Mica

Shadow & Light said...

Thanks! It's really nice to hear such compliments for my work.