Just before Thanksgiving, I did one (Capt. Hamish MacTavish) for the annual fundraising banquet of the Westie Club of Greater Atlanta. (He's the one in the busby hat--the big black bearskin hat like the Palace Guards in England wear.) After the banquet, we drove up to Asheville, stopping to take a little walk and do a little poking around. I stopped in a couple of places and got to talking (rare for me, since I'm a terrible introvert) ... but I sent them some photos as follow-up yesterday and guess what? At least one of them wants to carry my dogs--most notably Jackie at Boho Girl Designs, who makes exquisite beaded jewelry. Jackie has a Scottie named Sir William Wallace (Wally for short) ... so how could I not be charmed? I will probably make a Scottie and a Westie (or two) for her to carry on consignment. Her shop, by the way, if you're driving out that way, is located in The Main Street Shops, 44 Chevy Drive, HWY 515, Blairsvilee, Ga. 30582. Or ... you can visit her website at www.bohogirldesigns.com.
Anyhoo ... here are some pictures of my Westie Highlanders ... all hand-sculpted and one-of-a-kind. I will do commissions in your own clan tartan. The cost runs between $400 and $500, plus the cost of acquiring the tartan.

So good to hear from you, Nina! I've haven't been the best blogger either. Glad to see your still creating dolls (and writing too)! Love the dogs, Becky
Good to hear from you, too, Becky. And glad you like the dogs.
Happy holidays!
Beautiful job, Nina!
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