Jul 20, 2009

Why We Love Vampires

Have you seen this? http://www.newsweek.com/id/207128

And yet I can't tell you how many agents have blown me off because the so-called vampire trend is over -- even though the undercurrent theme of my novels is our enduring fascination with the vampire character in literature.

Wake up and smell the blood, people. I'm just saying.



FairiesNest said...

There was an article in my paper this morning about how the trend is going strong!
I saw you piece in the new Art Doll Quarterly and it was awesome, Congratulations!

Nina Mason said...

Hey FairiesNest:

Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I haven't responded to you before now, but I didn't have the heart to tell you that I "recycled" my Shakespearean fairies! As I improve my techniques, I don't like having the "inferior" dolls sitting around. But if you want to work out a trade, I could make you a special fairy -- let me know what you think!
